Our store is back online!

Aaron and Jesse, the two folks that are truly keeping our salsa ship afloat, have returned from their luxurious and refreshing honeymoon and we are running a sale to celebrate! For the rest of summer, all of our Forbidden jars are $1 off and if you use the coupon code CONGRATS at checkout, you’ll get another 10% off your entire order (shipping excluded)!

Get over here and fill up your shopping cart with New Mexico’s favorite salsa now!


Another year at the New Mexico State Fair and another Battle of the Salsas win for our Belligerent Batch Salsa! Having won the popular vote of a blind taste test from fair attendees for TWO YEARS in a row, we are confident in saying we have New Mexico’s favorite salsa right here! There is something about the fire-roasted jalapeño peppers, onion, garlic, and habaneros that light up a salsa-lover’s taste buds. We may be out of stock right now, but we will have more soon, so be ready to get yours when we restock! We also got us some more…


Black Market Salsa
Belligerent Batch – 1st Place
Habanero Salsa Division

Black Market Salsa
Original – 2nd Place
Hot Salsa Division

Black Market Salsa
Forbidden Batch – 3rd Place
Unique Salsa Division

Three salsas, three awards with the Belligerent Batch once again taking home a first place finish. We were last collecting Scovie Awards back in 2015 and decided to enter again this year with our full line up. What can we say, we are out here making some damn fine salsa and we keep collecting the proof year after year. We can’t wait for you to try some for yourself so head over to the STORE and get some delivered straight to your home! Also, you can check out the full list of Scovie Award Winners HERE.

Forbidden Returns!

Rising from the ashes like a phoenix, the Forbidden Batch has returned! Perhaps the first batch was a little heavy on the habanero and as good as the burn was, we decided to dial it back for this new run of our pineapple salsa. We are happy to say that the flavor is spot on and you are now free to polish off a whole jar in one sitting without you yourself bursting into flames. Head over to our online store now to get yourself a 6-pack!

No more Forbidden😭…for now

The supply chain gremlin comes for us all at some point and our turn is now. We hope to make the Forbidden Batch again soon (maybe with a little less heat this time). But for now, you can still get our other two award-winning salsas here in our online store and at many stores around New Mexico. We will be sure to let everyone know when the Forbidden Batch is available again!

The Forbidden Batch is here!

The time is now folks! Our new pineapple/habanero salsa has officially launched in our STORE.

Choose your own adventure with our 6-pack collections: Alpha-Omega, OG, or Spice is Nice. You can also get our Collector Pack which comes with two jars of each of our wonderful salsas!

Be sure to pick up some extra to share with friends and family during the holidays!

2018 Fiery Foods Show Bound!

To say it’s been awhile since we last posted here would be a gross under-selling of the situation. But no matter that right now, we have a big announcement to make…..we are making our triumphant (hopefully) return to the Fiery Foods Show in Albuquerque March 2-4, 2018!

We are very excited to return after three years of absence while Jen and I were in Africa. We left on quite the high note as we carried away the Grand Prize of the 2015 show for our Belligerent Batch. We will be submitting our salsas for judging again this time around and will be hoping for the best.

We can’t wait to do the show, see all our friends again, and hopefully take away some more hardware!

The Belligerent Batch Has Arrived!

Christmas has come early for salsa lovers across the nation because you can now order our new habanero salsa, The Belligerent Batch, online!


Our release party at the Farm Shop of Los Poblanos was this weekend and everyone had a great time! The response to the new salsa was excellent and everyone agreed it definitely had the extra kick people have been asking for. While the Farm Shop remains the only store you can purchase the new salsa from in Albuquerque, you can order as much as you like HERE from our online store.

We are very excited for everyone to try it, and if you are one of our Kickstarter backers, we have gathered all the surveys and will be putting the finishing touches on all of your reward boxes during the first week of January (we expect to ship it all out mid January).

Also, keep your eyes peeled for updates about in-store tastings during the next month or two. In the meantime, enjoy your holidays and all fun family times they involve!

Much love from the salsa crew,

Mike, Jen and Ben

More Big News!


Another year another win for Black Market Salsa! For the 2015 Scovie Awards we submitted our new, about to be available habanero salsa, The Belligerent Batch and we won THE GRAND PRIZE! Our salsa scored the highest out the field of hundreds of products submitted for this year’s awards (mustards, salsas, chocolates, beef jerky, alcohol…..). Need less to say, we are quite honored and we are excited to attend the Fiery Foods Show in Albuquerque March 6-8 for the second year in a row.

Belligerent jar

And yes, we promise, The Belligerent Batch will be here VERY SOON! Stay tuned!

Oh, and welcome to the new site……feel free to email me (Mike) if you find any glitches!